Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cycle 2, baby!!

I am halfway done with round one of chemo! Treatment itself is always enjoyable, or at least it has been. Lots of great company and I know I'm actually doing something to kill the cancer. Plus it makes me pee red for a little which is sorta neat! After my appointment we walked the entire golf course with my Anna P and then it was family naptime. Since I woke up I've been staying on top of the meds and still eating real food, the nausea is very  mild right now. I still feel like Kayla for the  most part.
The past week has been truly wonderful. Feeling good is AWESOME!! I've been trying to take advantage of when I feel normal. I think maybe the hardest thing for us all to remember so far is I need friends close during the low points and then I need you guys there for fun times too! Even if I'm probably going to say no, don't forget about me on the weekends :)
Last Friday night I was fortunate enough to be given Sting tickets for Ravinia and had an amazing time! I got in a solid hour of dancing and singing before bedtime called. Then on Saturday my sister and her husband Alan came over and we celebrated my dad's birthday at the cubs game! My parents got to enjoy a break from the cancer fighting diet with Kira's blackberry lime cheesecake. YUM. The game was awesome, the seats were right on the first baseline, and my family all got some form of tasty ballpark food. My friend Suzanna came too as my date. I'm considering changing my blog name to "the perks of being a cancer patient" from the sweet hookups I've been given (still waiting for Hawkey tickets...hint, hint..) On Sunday we went to Milwaukee and met my mom's family there to see my Uncle Pete get baptized. It was such a cool experience and we are so proud of him. God has done some really special things with my uncle and I am so blessed to call him family. He also is really great with bad jokes and that's a pretty useful skill to have. I really loved getting to spend time with everyone and to do so with our favorite thing... food!
The weekend left me pretty exhausted but school is officially out for summer now and we had a fun final day together as a class. These kids rock. I also got to see my grandfather (dad's dad) on Tuesday, a family filled week indeed. Best of all, I HAD SOME CHEESE!
So all in all, things are still good. Nothing we can't handle yet! Oh and I got a major haircut! It is SHORT. I've never had short hair and feels so light and tiny. The fabulous folks at Glimmer Salon in Woodridge did a really good job. So got check them out! Sam and Sandy are as good as they get! 
Speaking of hair, I think it's starting to go. 2 weeks on the dot. Lots of strands are coming out when I touch it, which is hard not to because its so soft and silky from my 'do. I'm like a dog patiently awaiting my summer buzz.
My parents are doing well too, my mom just was offered a teaching job (yay!) and my dad made it around the entire golf course yesterday doing his best form of running. They're the best. Having the Hawks for fighting inspiration doesn't hurt too! 
Well I love you guys, thanks for everything. Love is the best fighting fuel.


  1. Love you glad your keeping a strong mind. Got some shoe orders coming your way. Xo xo xo

  2. so happy you got to have CHEEEESEEEE

  3. Hi K La- Thanks for your blog- we are all rooting for you and wondering how your days are going-you're doing awesome and of course we all know what wonderful parents you have and why you are so loving and faith filled. I just wanted to offer a pen pal address if you are interested- a young mother from my parents small town who is just finishing her treatments- she has beautiful hair and offered her address- her name was Kara
