Monday, June 17, 2013

One month later

Well a whole month has gone by since diagnosis which is pretty hard to believe! What's changed? Not too much. I still am surrounded by the most loving family anyone could ever dream of. I still have the best friends in the entire world that haven't let me spend a minute of this alone. And I still just want the Hawks to bring home another win!!
Today will be more of a photo entry for you guys, I'm pretty pooped and planning on channeling every last bit of energy into the Hawkey game. So enjoy some good old fashion family fun pictures of the big buzz. I'm going to try to hold off shaving the rest of my head until the Cup is here for my version of a "playoff beard."
Mom taking some heavy duty cutco scissors to the matted mess.

And viola! A solid team effort! *Special thanks to my parents for giving me a good shaped head*

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